Where I've Been...

I know I haven't been on here in forever. But since no one, but my mom, has noticed I guess that's okay because I've gotten a ton of stuff done!

  • I weeded and planted the gardens (2 good size vegetable gardens and several small flower beds)

  • I sewed 6 pairs of shorts for my oldest son, who can't keep his pants on because he's so skinny.

  • I sewed 2 fitted crib sheets and 1 pack-n-play sheet.

  • I decided on curriculum for next year, sold last year's, and used the money to purchase the new.

  • I'm almost done with lesson planning for next school year.

  • I hit several garage sales, thrift shops, etc. and stocked up on clothing for the boys for the next few years.

  • We've also had more success with our schedule, just in time to drop it for Summer!
    (I do plan on making a Summer schedule, which will leave our afternoons free for Summer projects and fun.)

I still have a long list of Summer goals I want to get accomplished before we start school again in the Fall, so I may not always have time to write. But I should have something to write about, when I do!