The Easiest Way We Save Money

I order everything I can on-line. Not only do we save money by finding good prices, it also cuts back on impulse purchases, which are my downfall. It really helps us stick to our budget. I'm able to look at the total before committing and can make adjustments if needed.

We are members of the UNFI bulk club and place our orders on-line. This is an organic bulk club and orders are delivered once a month, not far from my home. This is where we get our sugar, wheat berries, baking supplies, etc. They have most of the groceries and toiletries we need, except for produce.

We also order some things from, like toilet paper. The shipping is free, all you have to do is order 6 items. They even have coupons! Last week I got a great deal on cough drops and razors.

We use gift cards, we've earned with Swagbucks, for school supplies. If you don't have a Swagbucks account, you should try it. I earn swagbucks just for searching the web, which is something I do everyday anyway!

There are some things we have to buy at our local grocery store. I try to send my husband, because his will-power is much stronger than mine. If I can't, I make sure to take a list and get in and out as fast as possible.

This is the easiest way we save money. It saves me time and everyone loves to get packages!

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