Financial Peace University Free Lesson

Last Sunday evening we went to a free lesson from Financial Peace University. We have been reading Dave Ramsey's books and listening to his CDs for about a year, but we hadn't attended a class before. We didn't actually get around to the class, but watched the intro, because there was a problem with the CD.

They are going to try again next Sunday at 4:00. If you live on “De Range” (if you live here you'll understand that and if you don't that's okay) the class will be at Faith United Lutheran Church in Iron, MN. For the rest of you, it's also available online.

It sounds like they will be doing the rest of the classes starting next month. It's $100 for the rest of the lessons (I think 14 weeks?). We had planned to purchase the lessons (DVDs) for ourselves, but they are quite expensive, so we kept putting it off. We will go to this class instead (for now). We've been messing around with a budget for a year, but we need to get serious with Cory's change in income. I think we need the accountability of the classes.

Has anyone else taken these lessons? Are they really worth it?