Our New Schedule

When I was a little girl my mom (after several weeks of arguing with me) went into my room to clean it. There were papers all over the floor. To-Do Lists... The first item on each list was “Clean Room”.

Not much has changed in the past 20 years... Now I'm trying the big girl version of this. Managers of Their Homes. It walks you through how to develop a schedule. It's a lot of work to set up, but I think it will help us to get more done.

The picture above is the draft of the schedule. The colored papers are stuck on with sticky stuff so you can move them around while you're planning. Once you're done you can leave it like that, or transfer it to a permanent schedule, either handwritten or typed. I plan to type mine up after we've had a few weeks to work out all the bugs.

Managers of Their Homes also has great ideas on how to use your time better and how to utilize your older children to help. Because of this I scheduled Missy to help Jeromebob with his Hooked on Phonics each day. He can't flip the flashcards fast enough to follow the CD instructions.

We will be using the Morning portion of the schedule this week and I hope to add in the Midday and Evening schedules one each week. I am prepared to wait longer if it takes more time to get used to. I'll try to write an update once we're using the full day's schedule.

Now all I have to do is follow through on the schedule, unlike the To-Do Lists from my childhood!