A Eureka Moment

When you home school you have days of doubt... Are we covering enough? Should we be doing more written work? Are they listening? Are they really learning anything?

We have been covering Early American history this year. We're reading Joy Hakim's A History of Us. As a family we're watching Drive Thru History America and listening to an audio version of Johnny Tremain (I was too lazy to read it aloud). Missy is copying the Preamble for handwriting. This stuff is great (entertaining), but is it enough to really learn?

Last night we had a eureka moment. We watched Liberty's Kids and Missy argued with the TV about the "historical inaccuracies" in the program. To top it off, she was correct (according to Johnny Tremain). Yipee, she is listening!

Liberty's Kids really is a good animated series. The animation isn't great (compared to modern Disney), but the story was very well-written. Jeromebob even sat still and watched it. We were able to rent it from Blockbuster, but I'd like to buy it sometime in the future, if I can find a used copy.